Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sigurnost i državna uprava...

Upravo sam pročitao kako državna uprava razmišlja o uvođenju sustava koji bi omogućio građanima dobijanje informacija putem Interneta, a također i mogućnost da građani mijenjaju svoje podatke korištenjem istog sustava!

To je vrlo pohvalno, ali dio oko kojeg sam se naježio je kada sam pročitao da bi se koristilo korisničko ime i lozinka:
Ministarstvo znanosti, Hrvatski zavod za mirovinsko osiguranje, Zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje, Ministarstvo uprave i Porezna uprava u pilot-projektu će biti spojeni na jedan sustav kojem će svaki građanin moći pristupiti putem interneta koristeći korisničko ime i lozinku koju će dobiti od jedne od navedenih institucija. Identifikacijom u sustavu, građani će u početku moći koristiti po jednu od najjednostavnijih usluga od svake ustanove.
S obzirom koliko problema na Internetu ima, koliko je programska podrška nesavršena, koliko su ljudi nesavjesni i ležerni, i konačno, koliko je problema zbog korisničkog imena i lozinki to je jedan veliki veliki potencijalni problem koji bi omogućio krađu identiteta, a možda još i gore stvari!

U tom smislu smatram da bi tome trebalo jako jako oprezno pristupiti cijelom problemu. Sigurnost je nešto što ne donosi direktnu dobit i zbog toga su rijetki dovoljno svjesni potencijalnog problema da samoinicijativno uvode kontrole koje koštaju, a ne donose direktnu dobit. Pozitivan primjer je HNB i njegova pravila koja je nametnuo bankama kako bi se osiguralo Internet bankarstvo. Čak mislim da bi tu trebalo izglasati i odgovarajuće zakone, zakone koji bi obvezali sve na pažnju i odgovorno postupanje, a možda bi ti zakoni bili dovoljno inovativni da budu primjer svima u svijetu.

Uglavnom, vidjet ćemo kako će se to razvijati...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

F17 and Python setuptools mixup...

For some time now I was having problems with Python's setuptools package. When I downloaded some package and tried to install it with the usual:
python install
I would receive the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in
    from setuptools import setup, find_packages
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/", line 2, in
    from setuptools.extension import Extension, Library
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/", line 5, in
    from setuptools.dist import _get_unpatched
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/", line 6, in
    from setuptools.command.install import install
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 8, in
    from setuptools.command import install_scripts
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 3, in
    from pkg_resources import Distribution, PathMetadata, ensure_directory
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 2755, in
    add_activation_listener(lambda dist: dist.activate())
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 704, in subscribe
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 2755, in
    add_activation_listener(lambda dist: dist.activate())
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 2258, in activate
    map(declare_namespace, self._get_metadata('namespace_packages.txt'))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 1847, in declare_namespace
    _handle_ns(packageName, path_item)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 1817, in _handle_ns
    loader.load_module(packageName); module.__path__ = path
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 246, in load_module
    mod = imp.load_module(fullname, self.file, self.filename, self.etc)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chameleon/", line 1, in
    from .zpt.template import PageTemplate
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chameleon/zpt/", line 9, in
    from ..i18n import fast_translate
ImportError: cannot import name fast_translate
I already managed to solve this problem some time ago, but it reappeared and it was driving me nuts! And I forgot what I did! Googling didn't tell me a lot. So, I had to look into the code.

I had to search modules on disk, use print to see which one is actually loaded, and rpm/yum to query packages, but to cut the story short, in the end I found out that I had some dangling files and directories, probably because I did upgrade instead of clean install.The following ones were offending ones:
This is easy to verify. Using 'rpm -qf <dir_or_file' shows for all of them (including files in those directories) that they are not owned by any package. So, I simply removed then and suddenly everything worked!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fetching book data via ISBN...

Well, I needed a way to obtain book data based on its ISBN. Additional constraint was that it had to be in Python. Search quickly revealed that there are multiple Web services, one of which is ISBNdb. But there are others too. Look at this StackExchange question for some tips.

So, I decided to go with ISBNdb because I quickly stumbled on Python module for it. Additionally, I realized that Calibre uses this library, too. This turned out to be a mistake. I lost more than hour trying to make it work, just for a single search by ISBN. Googling for some example code didn't bring a lot. So, here is what I learned, maybe it helps someone out there.

First, let me say that there is a bug in the code in subversion. If you checked out version 41, then the bug is certainly there. You need to open file and change line 22 that reads like this:
 _KEYS[key] = k
Next, you also have to change line 62 in the same line that reads like this:
def __new__(cls, key, force_=False):
into this:
def __new__(cls, key, name, force_=False):

Also, to use this library, and ISBNdb in general, you have to register in order to get a key. Key is a string of 8 characters.

Now, we are ready to try the library. The easiest way is to position yourself into directory that contains isbndb/ directory from subversion (that way Python interpreter will be able to find the module, otherwise, you need to move it into some "system" place, or manipulate sys.path array.

The commands are:
>>> import isbndb
>>> isbndb.addKey('12345678')
Got from isbndb:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ISBNdb server_time="2012-08-21T14:16:45Z">
<KeyStats granted="9" access_key="12345678" requests="9" limit="0" /&gt:
<BookList total_results="0" page_size="10" page_number="1" shown_results="0"></BookList>

>>> books=isbndb.IsbndbSearch(searchValue='0071378596')
>>> book=books[0]
>>> book.Title
'Mastering technical mathematics'
And that's enough to get you started. The rest you can find by youself using Python's introspection features and some code browsing.

In the end, I think that this library isn't mature enough, it also has debug statements embedded into it and the documentation is poor, at best!

Friday, August 17, 2012

How to communicate with OSSEC deamons via Unix socket...

OSSEC daemons, when started, open Unix sockets for a local communication. For example, ossec-execd opens the following socket:
On which, it waits for commands. If you try to send it message using echo, or in some similar way, you'll receive an error message:

$ echo 1 message > /opt/ossec/var/queue/alerts/execq
bash: /opt/ossec/var/queue/alerts/execq: No such device or address
because, it's not a pipe. But, it is possible to "manually" send it command using socat utility. socat is very capable utility with, equivalently complex syntax. In this case you should run it like follows:
$ socat - UNIX-CLIENT:/opt/ossec/var/queue/alerts/execq 
What we are saying in this case is that we want socat to relay messages between stdin (first address, minus) and unix socket in which it is a client (i.e. the socket already has to be opened/created).

Now, whatever you type, will go to ossec-execd. This can be monitored either in ossec's logs, or if we start ossec-execd in debug mode (without forking), in the terminal.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

About active responses in OSSEC

I already wrote about OSSEC's active response feature, and I said that I'm going to write a bit more after I study a bit more thorougly how it works. After I did analysis of log collecting feature of OSSEC, I decided to finally look at this too. So, here is the essey about what I found out by analysing code of OSSEC 2.6 with respect to active response. This essay will intergrate also the previous post, so, you don't have to read that previous one if you didn't already. Since active responses are bound to rules - triggering rule triggers active response - I'll touch also on rules, but not in a lot of details. Only as much is necessary to explaing active response.
I'll start with the purpose of active response, then I'll continue to configuration of active response, and I'll finish with implementation details and conclusions.

Purpose of active response

The idea behind active response in OSSEC's is to activelly block potential offenders and in that way to allow system to defend itself instead of passively monitoring what's happening. In some way this classifies OSSEC also as an IPS. As with all other IPSes, the feature is great but can bite you in case you are not careful, or, if you are using it without realising how it actually works. In the current implementation of OSSEC, active response is restricted to act on offending IP addresses and users.

Configuring active response

Active response configuration consists of two parts. In the first part you define all the commands, and in the second part - active response - you define how and when they are called. When writing configuration you should first list all of you commands, and then active responses that reference them. The reason is the way how the code was written, i.e., you will get undefined command error in case you don't list commands before they are used.
Note that final component, and important, connection between rules and active responses. Namely, rules are those that get triggered, and if they are triggered then active responses bound to them will be activated. In this post, we'll use manual method of activation, but I'll also describe how active responses are connected to rules.
It is interesting, and important, that when the configuration files are analyzed, the code writes all enabled active responses into the file shared/ar.conf, which is placed underneath the main OSSEC directory (by default it is /var/ossec). We'll come to exact format and purpose of that file later.
The following text is based on the analysis of config/active-response.[ch], analysisd/active-response.[ch] files, util/agent_control.c and some others.

Defining commands

All the commands that will be run as the part of the active response should be defined using <command> element placed directly beneath <ossec_config> top-level element. The structure should look something like this:
    <!-- Definition of command 1 -->
    <!-- Definition of command N -->
Each <command> element can have the following subelements:
  • name - This will be identifier by which the command will be referenced in active response definitions, i.e. the second part. Obviously, this is a mandatory subelement. You shouldn't use dashes here because the way parsing is done throughout OSSEC and that will most likely confuse it! It is also advasible to avoid using spaces for the same reasons!
  • expect - Mandatory to specify. The value can be either user or srcip. Due to the use of OS_Regex, and the way it calls OSRegex_Compile, those two strings are case insensitive, i.e. you can capitalize them as you wish, the meaning is the same.
  • executable - Mandatory element, defines the exact name of the executable. The path where the executable is placed is predefined during compilation time. Default value is active-response/bin.
  • timeout_allowed - Allowed values are yes and no. Basically, this tells OSSEC if the effect of the command (after it is called) should be reversed, i.e., it's effect have to be cleared by new invocation. This is optional and default value is no. To signal to a script if it is called for the first time, or as a part of a reversal process, the first argument to the script will be add or delete.

Defining active responses

The second part of the configuration defines active responses themselves. Active responses are configured (again) in OSSEC's configuration file using <active-response> elements that are placed directly within <ossec_config> top-level element, like this:
    <!-- Definition of active response 1 -->
    <!-- Definition of active response M -->
Under each <active-response> element the following subelements can be used to more specifically define active response:
  • command - string value that references one <command> element. This is mandatory to specify.
  • location - one of the following values: AS, analysisd, analysis-server, server, local, defined-agent, all, or any. AS, analysisd, analysis-server, server are synonyms, and so are all and any. You must specify this.
  • agent_id - in case the value of the location is defined-agent, then this defines which agent and is mandatory to specify.
  • rules_id - comma separated list of rule IDs to which this active response should be bound. This is an optional element without a default value.
  • rules_group - name of a rule group to which this active response will be bound.
  • level - Integer between 0 and 20, inclusive. If some rule has level equal to or grater than this value than it is bound to active response.
  • timeout - Numerical value without constraints.
  • disabled - Can have values yes or no.
  • repeated_offenders - This element and its value are ignored.
Note one interesting thing. Namely, there is no ID bound to a specific active response. This means that the relationship between command and active response is 1:1. It seems somehow meaningless, beacuse, it is not possible to have some command (i.e. one <command> element) bind to multiple active responses commands each with a different set of parameters. Or, I'm missing something important?
When OSSEC agent starts it reads and parses <command> and <active-response> elements and writes shared/ar.conf file (actually, when any component of ossec starts if the previous paragraph is true). In that file each line defines one active response. Lines have the following printf like format:
%s - %s - %d
The first string is name of the active response and of the command (becaues active response doesn't have it's own name, as I explained). The second string is the executable. Finally, the third is a timeout value if it is defined. If not, 0 will be written in that field.

Manually triggering active responses - execution flow

To manually test how active response works you can use the utility agent_control whose source can be found in util/ top-level directory of OSSEC source. Note that only responses that require IP address can be activated. This tool should be run on a manager node and it actually connects to local ossec-remoted instance and sends it the appropriate commands that will trigger requested active response.
To trigger active reponse, using the utility, you have to specify three things:
  1. Offending IP address (option -b).
  2. ID of an agent where active response will be triggered (option -u).
  3. Which active response to run (option -f).
For example, to tell an agent whose ID is 003 that it should run firewall-drop600 active response and pass it IP adress, you would invoke agent_control in the following way:
agent_control -u 003 -f firewall-drop600 -b
What will happen than is that agent_control will connect to the local ossec-remoted instance and send it the following command:
(msg_to_agent) [] NNS 002 firewall-drop600 - (from_the_server) (no_rule_id)
The interesting thing here is that there is possibility to run active response on all nodes but this functionality is not enabled in agent_control utility. It boils down not to specify agent ID, in which case all agents are assumed and the previous command would look now like this:
(msg_to_agent) [] ANN (null) firewall-drop600 - (from_the_server) (no_rule_id)
ossec-remoted accepts message from agent_control utility and based on that message sends a message over the network to agent. This message is encrypted, but in our case (running firewall-drop600 with IP address as an argument) it will have the following format:
#!-execd firewall-drop600 - (from_the_server) (no_rule_id)
The three characters at the beginning (#!-) are message header, and "execd " is a command. More commands can be seen in headers/rc.h file. Note that there is no agent ID in the message. That is because this information is used only by ossec-remoted so that it knows to whom it should send the message. So, no matter if you sent the message to some specific agent, or all of them, the message will look the same.
The message is received and preparsed by ossec-clientd in function receive_msg (in file client-agent/receiver.c) and then sent to ossec-execd (in top-level directory os_execd) via local message queue starting with a letter f, i.e. message header and command are stripped off by ossec-clientd.
It is interesting that ossec-execd, when started, reads standard configuration file (in XML) and, based on active response configuration, creates shared/ar.conf (unless changed during compilation). Then, it enters main loop, and there when active response is triggered for the first time, it reads shared/ar.conf instead of main XML configuration file. It has also one additional interesting behavior. Namely, if unknown active response is triggered it will first reread shared/ar.conf and if the active response isn't found then it will signal error. This, I suppose, can be used to dynamically update a set of active responses.
But, back to our example. ossec-execd receives message and assumes that everything to the first space is the command name. Using that token it then searches for a command. There are two interesting thing here:
  1. The list of commands is taken from shared/ar.conf file that is dynamically created, not from ossec.conf or some similar.
  2. If the command isn't found, then the shared/ar.conf is read again, and the search is peformed again. Only now, if there is no command, an error is reported and processing of a message is stopped. Note that no return message is sent to manager!
When the command is found, standard execve(2) structures are created, but twice. One for the first execution and the other for timeout value. Only later it is checked if timeout is supported/requested by command, and if it is not then memory is released. The arguments are copied from the message (spaces are used to separate arguments) with additional argument inserted first. Namely, add is inserted if the command is called first time, while delete is inserted in case it is called as a consequence of a timeout.
Finally, before executing command, one more check is performed. Namely, if the command was run, and timeout is hanging waiting to trigger, then command will not be called again, nor new timeout value will be called. The message from the manager will be ignored!

Automatic triggering of active responses

An active response is tirggered when the rule it is bound to is triggered. A single rule can have multiple active responses attached to it. Note that there are three ways in which you can bind rule and active response:
  1. Using level element in active response. Namely, if the rule has attached level that is greater than or equal to the level of active response then the active response is attached to the rule.
  2. If a rule ID is listed in the rules_id element of the active response, then the active response is attached to the rule.
  3. If the group name to which rule belongs is listed in the rules_group element of active response, than they are bound together. The check is done very simply, namely it only checks that the value specified in rules_group occurs within group name. For example, if group name is "syslog,pam" then rules_group value "syslog" will match, as well as "pam", but "apache" will not. Note that even the value "syslog,pam" will match!
Rules and active responses are bound together (the code in analysisd/rules.c) when the ossec-analysisd is started.

Some implementation details

Configuration reading and parsing is implemented in the config/active-response.c file.
The data contained in each <active-response> element is kept in a structure active_response defined in src/config/active-response.h file. The elements of that structure quite closely mimic the configuration layout, i.e. this structure is defined as follows:
/** Active response data **/
typedef struct _ar{
    int timeout;
    int location;
    int level;
    char *name;
    char *command;
    char *agent_id;
    char *rules_id;
    char *rules_group;
    ar_command *ar_cmd;
That's it, not much. :)


Ok, I think I managed to document active response in OSSEC at least better then the majority of the existing documents. Tell me what you think. :)
Next, let me say that I'm impressed with XML parsers shipped with OSSEC. It seems to be very featerfull even though it is written in C, which is usually not used for XML processing.
One of the interesting things of OSSEC is that it reads the same configuration files multiple times. For example, in ossec-analysisd deamon, the configuration file is first read by active response initialization code (active-response.c) and then by the deamon itself. The reason why is this so interesting is that, during parsing of element <active-response> the file shared/ar.conf is written each time. In other words, the operation isn't idempotent. This is also problematic from the performance reasons standpoint, but probably less so.
While reading the code I sumbled on several interesting things, not directly related to the topic of this post. But since they are important, I'll mention them here and maybe I devote some future post to some of them:
  • Top level directory addagent is misleading. It actually contains binary manage-agents which is much more encompassing then that. So, it should be renamed.
  • In the top-level directory util/ there are some tools that should be moved or integrated with manage-agents utility.

Yet another idea for mobile phones...

The other day my mobile phone rung, and it was so loud that I had to run to it and silence it in order not to bother others. At that moment, I asked myself, why isnt' there an option that would allow me to set loudness of the ring tone to a level relatively to ambient. That should be doable, for example, by mobile phone turning on microphone before ringing and measuring noise in order to set loudness. Or, if that could be too long (and delay ring tone), it can start ringing quitely in increase loudness as it gains more measurements from surroundings.
Does something like that already exist? I now there is an option of ringing tone starting very quiet, and being stronger and stronger. But that's not it...

Implementing OSSEC log reader for Linux audit logs...

After writing log readers for mod_security and regex, I was asked in a private mail if I could implement log reader for Linux audit logs, so I decided to try. Basically, first I was thinking about implementing something more general but then I decided to keep it simple and not to overdesign it. In the conclusion section I'll return to this more complex type of log reader.

Format of linux audit logs

Log records in the Linux audit files can consist of one or more log lines. For example, here is a record that consists of three lines:
type=NETFILTER_CFG msg=audit(1344674083.473:7422): table=filter family=2 entries=0
type=NETFILTER_CFG msg=audit(1344674083.473:7422): table=filter family=10 entries=0
type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1344674083.473:7422): arch=c000003e syscall=56 success=yes exit=5246 a0=60000011 a1=0 a2=0 a3=0 items=0 ppid=5239 pid=5245 auid=5056 uid=5056 gid=1000 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=pts7 ses=5 comm="chrome-sandbox" exe="/opt/google/chrome/chrome-sandbox" subj=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:chrome_sandbox_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 key=(null)
and here is the one that consist of two lines:
type=AVC msg=audit(1344110282.960:999): avc: denied { write } for pid=4690 comm="plugin-containe" name=".pulse-cookie" dev="dm-3" ino=2883770 scontext=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:mozilla_plugin_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 tcontext=unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 tclass=file
type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1344110282.960:999): arch=c000003e syscall=2 success=no exit=-13 a0=7fc060e29240 a1=80142 a2=180 a3=394f64947c items=0 ppid=4463 pid=4690 auid=5056 uid=5056 gid=1000 euid=5056 suid=5056 fsuid=5056 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=(none) ses=5 comm="plugin-containe" exe="/usr/lib64/xulrunner-2/plugin-container" subj=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:mozilla_plugin_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 key=(null)
In all those cases, log records share the same ID (I'll call it a log record ID from now on) which is a number after a timestamp (I placed it in bold in the previous two examples).


At least in principle, it is easy to parse those logs. We just extract that field (first number after colon). What makes it complicated is that it isn't garantueed (at least I'm not aware) that log records will not be mixed (i.e. first lines 1 of two records, then their second lines). Furthermore, the code for reading log files can be called when partial log lines, or records, are written! Finally, we don't know how many lines in each record there will be!

So, after we get a new log record ID, we have to wait a bit to see if we are going to receive another one. After that time passes, without receiving anything, we pass what we have up to now. Again, there is a choice here! We can reset timeout if we receive something new, or we can count from the first line. Basically, we can have timeout or window.

Finally, no matter how we implement wait time, there is additional quirck in the way reading log files works. Namely, we can not set timeout mechanism that will call us after some time. We are called by logcollector.c module in regular intervals defined in the configuration file (defaulting to 2 s). So, we are going to implement timeout, not in time units, but in a number of those calls. So, if you say window is 1, this means that when we find new log record ID, we'll wait that we are called once more, and then we'll join and send a record. If the interval is defined to be 2s, that means waiting time of 2s. If the window is 2, then we'll send record after the second call, or after 4s. Timeout, on the other hand, will function a bit differently. If we say that timeout is 1, that means that at the moment we find a new log record ID we start timer (initialized to 1). At the next call we first decrement all timers, then if we get that same log record ID again, we'll reinitialize timer. Finally, we  send all the records that have expired timers.

Note that we are here introducing runtime per-log reader data (timers, saved logs), which is different than configuration per-log reader data (that comes exclusively from configuration files)! This will be reflected later in the implementation.

Finally, since this is a Linux specific feature, it is completly disabled if the source is compiled on (or for) windows!


So, this is how to configure this log reader in the OSSEC's configuration files. To say that some log file is audit type, you'll use the following <log_format> element:
<log_format timeout="T" window="W">linux_auditd</log_format>
Both timeout and window are specified in time units (T and W must be numbers) defined by logcollector.loop_timeout variable (defined in internal_options.conf). You have to specify one of them. It is error to define both, or none!

Implementation notes

For keeping logs until timeout or window expires, I'm using doubly linked list. It is inefficient, but for the time being it will do. More specifically, I'm using OSSEC's list implemenation in shared/list_op.c.
For testing purposes, I also added code that is enabled by defining BUILD_TEST_BINARY. In that case read_linux_audit is compiled which accepts log file that should be read. To emulate how the log grows, binary first opens a new temporary file, then reads a random number of lines from original file, writes it to the temporary file, and calls read_linux_audit function, after which, it pauses. This is repeated until all the input from the original log file is exhausted.
To build test binary, first build evertyhing. Then, go to logcollector directory and run there 'make test'. You'll then have binary read_linux_audit.
The testing was as follows:
  1. Run read_linux_audit on a sample audit.log and redirect output to some temporary file. Count a number of lines in a temporary file, it has to be smaller then the original file.
  2. Using simple shell pipe "cut -f2 -d: audit.log | cut -f1 -d\) | sort | uniq | wc -l" I got how many uniqe lines. There was a difference between this and previous step.
  3. Search for a difference (using diff for example) and analyze why it happened. :D


As I said in the introduction section, I was thinking about implementing a more general reader. Namely, the idea was that you give the reader regular expression, and this regular expression is executed against every line. All the lines that have the same return value are treated as a part of a single record and thus are concatenated. Probably when this reader is finished, I suppose writing that more complex one wouldn't be a problem.

I also fixed few small bugs in the code I sent previously, and, the new patch can be found here.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Adding new log types to OSSEC...

I'm using OSSEC for log monitoring, and while it is a great tool there are some drawbacks. One is that (not so) occasionally Java stack traces are dumped into syslog and they are not properly handled/parsed by OSSEC. The other drawback is that I want OSSEC to monitor mod_security logs, which are multi line logs with variable number of lines belonging to each HTTP request/response processed by mod_security. So, I wanted to modify OSSEC in order to allow it to handle those cases, too. To be able to modify OSSEC I started with the analysis of its source (version 2.6) and based on the analysis, I wrote this text. The goal of the analysis was to get acquainted on how OSSEC handles log files, document this knowledge, and to propose solution that would handle Java stack traces and mod_security logs.

Configuring log files monitoring

First, ehere are some global parameters that control global log monitoring behavior of each OSSEC agent, or server. More specifically, logcollector.loop_timeout in internaloptions.conf defines how much time (in seconds) OSSEC will wait before checking if there are additions to all log files that it monitors. Default value is 2s, with minimal allowed value of 1 second and maximum 120s.
This is actually the most important parameter. There are two additional ones, logcollector.open_attempts with allowed values between 2 and 998, and logcollector.debug with allowed values 0, 1 and 2.

Supported log types in OSSEC

If I correctly understand it, OSSEC treats log files as consisting of records. Each record being independent from the previous, or any later ones. Rules, then, act on records. In the majority of cases the record is identical to a single line of a log file. This is, I suppose, legacy from syslog in which each line was (and still is) separate log entry. In the mean time OSSEC was extended so that it supports more different log files:
  • multiline log (read_multiline). The problem with this log format is that it expects that each record consists of a fixed number of lines.
  • snort full log (read_snortfull). This is the closest one to what I need with respect to mod_security, i.e. this one reads several lines, combines them, and sends them to log analyzer.
  • some others I won't analyze now.
The length of the record is restricted to 6144 characters (constant OS_MAXSTR defined in headers/defs.h). Everything above that length will be cut off and discarded, with an error message logged.

Configuring log files

So, there are different log types and to tell ossec for some file which type it is, you use <logformat> element associated with each monitored file. Each monitored file is defined in element <localfile> directly beneath <ossec_conf> element in the ossec configuration file, for example:
The configuration file, along with all of its elements, is read by configuration loader placed in src/config subdirectory. The localfile element is processed in function Read_Localfile (file localfile-config.c). For each <localfile> one logreader structure (defined in localfile-config.h) is allocated and initialized. This structure has the following content:
typedef struct _logreader
    unsigned int size;
    int ign;

    #ifdef WIN32
    HANDLE h;
    int fd;
    ino_t fd;
    /* ffile - format file is only used when
     * the file has format string to retrieve
     * the date,
    char *ffile;
    char *file;
    char *logformat;
    char *djb_program_name;
    char *command;
        char *alias;
    void (*read)(int i, int *rc, int drop_it);
    FILE *fp;
Analyzing localfile-config.c file I came to the following conclusions:
  • Underneath <localfile> element the following elements are accepted/valid: <location&gt, <command>, <log_format>, <frequency>, and <alias>.
  • <location> defines the file, with full path, that is being monitored.
  • <log_format> tells OSSEC in which format are records stored. The following are hardcoded values in the Read_Local.c file: syslog, generic, snort-full, snort-fast, apache, iis, squid, nmapq, mysql_log, mssql_log, postgresql_log, djb_multilog, syslog-pipe, command, full_command, multi-line, and eventlog. What's interesting is that some of those (marked in bold) don't appear later in log collector!
  • the syntax of accepted multi-line log_format is:
    <log_format>multiline[ ]*:[ ]*[0-9]*[ ]*</log_format> 
    note that it is not an error, i.e. you can avoid writing any number, but that number defines how many lines should be concatenated before being sent to analyzer module, so it is important you don't skip it. The number part is made available in logformat field of logreader structure. Furthermore, when check is made to determine which type of logformat is some logff structure, to detemine it is a multiline the first character is checked if it is a digit. If it is, then it is a multiline format. This is actually a hack because in the original design it wasn't planned to have parameters to certain log types!
  • <command> is used to run some external process, collect its output, and send it to central log. Each line outputed by the command will be treated as a separate log record. Empty lines are removed, i.e. ignored. Note that command is passed to shell using popen library call. So, you can place shell commands there too.
  • in the code there is a reference to a full_command log type format, but it is not supported in the configuration file. The difference is that this form reads command's output as a single log record.
  • the value of element <frequency> is stored into logreader.ign field. But the use of this field is strange because it is overwritten with number of failed attempts to open log file. I would assume that this parameter would, somehow, allow rate limiting.
  • When defining the value of <location> element certain variables can be used. In case of Windows operating systems, that means % variables (e.g. %SYSTEM% and similar). In case of Unix/Linux glob patterns are allowed (these are not allowed on Windows). Also, strftime time format specifiers can be used and in that case strftime function will be called with time format specifier and current local time to produce final log's file name.
  • <alias> defines an alias for a log file. It is used in read_command.c and read_fullcommand.c files, only. Probably to be substituted instead of command in the output sent to log collector (for readability purposes, instead of the whole complex command line you see just its short version).
  • The function pointer should point to a function returning nothing (void). But, all the read functions return void * pointer and this return value is forced during assignment of a function to this field. Finally, this return value is never used.
  • The return code (*rc parameter) of read functions is also used in a strange way and only once it is different than 0.
Reading and processing log files

Actual monitoring of log files is done by logcollector module (contained in the src/logcollector subdirectory). If you look at process list you'll see it under the name ossec-logcollector.
C's main() function of Logcollector module obtains array of logreader structures from config module and calls main function LogCollectorStart(). LogCollectorStart() references logreader structures through logff array pointer.
logreader structures are then initialized.
Functions to read different type of files are placed in separate files prefixed with string read_. Each file has one globally visible entry function that has the following prototype:
void *read_something(int pos, int *rc, int drop_it);
The function return value isn't used, and most (but not all!) functions just return NULL. pos is index into structure that defines which particular file should be checked by the function. Basically, it indexes array logff. So, logff[pos] is the log file that has to be processed. rc is output parameter that contains return code. Finally, drop_it is a flag that tells reader function to drop record (drop_it != 0) or to process it as usual (drop_it == 0).
So, the conclusion is that I should/would create the following log readers:
  • regex reader that uses regex to define start of the block, so everything between one line that matches given regex is treated as a log record until the first line that matches the regex again. The variation of the theme is to have separate regex for the end of the block.
  • modsec_audit reader. A separate log reader that would combine the multiline output of modsec into a single line/record understood by ossec. In particular, I'll read only audit log of mod_security, there is also debug log which I'll ignore for the time being.

So, as I said, the goal was to solve Java and mod_security log problems. While studying the source I decided to implement two log readers. I'll leave Java for now, since I think it is better solved with modifying syslog (concatenating next line if it doesn't start at column 1). So, one reader that will process mod_security's audit log files and another one that will use regex to search for start and end of each record. To do so, obviously those two have to be implemented, but also appropriate configurations has to be defined.
Since I definitely decided to go with attributes instead of hacks (as multiline is) I also decided to convert multiline to use attribute to define number of lines that has to be concatenated.
So, new multiline definition in the configuration file will be:
<log_format lines="N">multiline</log_format>
And the attribute lines is mandatory, it defines how many lines in the log file makes one log record! On the other hand, mod_security for now will use very simple configuration style:
Finally, regex based log type will use the following type:
<log_format start_regex="" end_regex="">regex</log_format>
And if end_regex isn't specified, then the value of start_regex will be assumed to be also end_regex. start_regex attribute is mandatory.

Well, basically, that's for the plan.


I first implemented code that reads and parses configuration. In order to do that I had to change files src/config/localfile-config.[ch] and src/error_messages/error_messages.h files. Note that I introduced a new field void *data into logreader structure who's purpose is to keep private data of each log reader. In that way I'm not cluttering structure with lots of attributes used only sporadically. Alternatively, I could use union and place everything there, but for the time being this will do.

Then I modified src/logcollector/read_multiline.c to take its parameter from a new place in logreader structure, i.e. from private *data pointer. The small problem with how I did it is that it is dependent on 32/64-bit architecture as I'm directly manipulating with pointers, which is actually one big no-no. :) But, for the prototype it will do.

Next, I copied read_multiline.c into read_modsec_audit.c and modified it to work with mod_security audit logs. Note that mod_security, for each request and response (that are treated as a single record) creates a series of lines and blocks. Block are separated by blank lines, but everything is kept between the following lines:
-- 62a78a12-A--


-- 62a78a12-Z--
Blank lines before and after those that mark beginning and an end are ignored. Random looking number (62a78a12) is an identifier that binds multiple blocks together in log files. In my implementation I assume there is no interleaving of those!

Finally, I implemented read_regex.c. This one is the same as the read_modsec_audit.c but instead of fixed delimiters for start and the end or a record, delimiters are provided via configuration file in a form of regular expressions. Note that it would be possible to make read_modsec_audit a special case of read_regex via appropriate use of regular expressions in the configuration file.

When modules were finished I just had to integrate them into logcollector.[ch] (and modify how multiline is detected). And the implementation was finished.

All the changes are provided in new_log_types-v00.patch.

Some conclusions and ideas for a future work

There are few shortcomings of this implementation. First, it is implemented on Linux and only slightly tested even on that platform. So, it is very likely buggy and non-portable across different platforms. Next, there is certainly a non-portable part with respect to 32-bit vs. 64-bit pointers. I marked that part in the code. Finally, security review has to be done, after all, this is security sensitive application!

It seems to me that multiline module doesn't seem to work right, i.e. there are some corner cases when it misbehaves. Namely, there is a check that a single line doesn't exceed maximum line size, but there is no check if more than one line exceeds that threshold. And, probably, if it exceeds, then the reading will get out of sync, i.e. wrong lines will be grouped together.

For regexp module written as a part of this treatise probably additional attributes should be included, like flags so that you can say, e.g., if the match should be case sensitive or not. Or, that you can remember matches from start_regex (using () operator) and reuse them in end_regex regular expression.
For the end, I don't want to criticize too much, but the build system of OSSEC isn't what you would call: flexible. This isn't a problem for production environment, but for development it is since, to test a single change, you have to rebuild all the source. Also, OSSEC assumes you run it from the installation directory, which is owned by a root. Again, this is a problem for a development, more specifically testing. I think there is a lot of room for the improvement.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

An idea for mobile phone application...

It just occurred to me that it would be good (well, at least for somebody) to have application that allows caller to define music/sound that will be played on a callee mobile phone. Basically, before you press Call button, you select a melody. This allows a lot of possibilities:
  • Suppose, I'm angry and I'm calling my support administrator because something isn't working. In that case I can select some pretty loud yelling of the sentence like Answer the phone you idiot! The server isn't working again. And this can be repeated as many times as necessary.
  • Or, if you are calling a wife because you've stayed with guys until late and you know she's currently mad. In that case you can select ringing tone something like: Hi Honey! I'm thinking on you and I'm calling you to appologize. with some appropriate background music.
  • Or, if you are trying to get to some chick, you can use something like: Hey beauty, XYZ is calling you.
  • Or, if you are calling your mother in law, you can use: Hey old bat! If you didn't drop dead answer the phone!
Well, you've got the point. The possibilities are endless. :)

arpwatch: too short requests error

Today, I got a lot of errors from arpwatch (actually arpwatch-NG) that look like this:
arpwatch: short (want 42)
There is no point in googling this, even though I tried. :) There is one post that mentions some Debian bug, or something like that.

Anyway, the problem is that something on the network has a bug, or is wrongly configured, and arpwatch doesn't log sending MAC address from frames in case it receives something erroneous that is supposed to be ARP. Of course it could be discussed as to how much this information would be useful, but, it would at least give some clue who's sending this.

In the end, the only thing that could be done in this case is to sniff network and wait for the error to repeat.


I figured out what was causing this errors. It was nmap that I put to regularly scan the network! :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Google Chrome yum repository...

Yesterday I noticed that yum repository on Google servers with packages for Chrome doesn't work. I see this in yum output when I run update process:
google-chrome                                            |  951 B     00:00 !!!
Note that three exclamation marks at the end! Also, once I received one  other error message, but I didnt' write it down, so I don't remember exactly what it was. Anyway, checking manually URL of the repository shows that it is not available:
# lftp
cd: Access failed: 404 Not Found (/linux/chrome/rpm/stable/x86_64)
But, it turns out that there is no linux repository at all:
# lftp
cd: Access failed: 404 Not Found (/linux)
I did some Googling and what puzzles me is that there is nothing about this change. I found several posts in the past that the repository isn't available, but that was over a year ago, and in the mean time repository was restored. Also, there are some more recent posts, but again, those were solved!

I checked my update logs and found that the last update was on July, 27th, so is it possible that the URL will be restored as it was in the past?

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scientist, consultant, security specialist, networking guy, system administrator, philosopher ;)

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